Friday, May 21, 2010

Colorful Cooking

Today was our staff appreciation day at work. We all met up at our director's house in Madera. In the haze of some long ago staff meeting I had agreed to bring a salad, a side dish, and dessert. Apparently I was feeling very ambitious that day, but more likely I was hungry and ready for lunch. I can make a few things well: scrambled eggs, pancakes, pupusas, sandwiches, spaghetti, etc., etc. You get the point. I can make things that are quick and easy. I put out a call on twitter and Facebook for recipes. Surprisingly (or not), most suggested going with pre-made stuff from the store. Considering I was coming to the end of a frazzled finals week where I'd been averaging 4 hours of sleep a night, that would have been the way to go. 

Anyway, this is what I came up with. Using materials already in the kitchen I got some pretty delicious (and colorful!) dishes to share. 

Fruit Salad
kiwi, Fuji apple, blackberries, strawberries, nectarine, and mango 

Shrimp and Veggies
Sautéed shrimp, zucchini, tomato, and onion. 
(used pomegranate vinegar wine and olive oil to cook) 

Devil's food cupcakes decorated in our office colors. 

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