Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can I get a redo?

So, I wrote a perfectly good entry (complete with a My Fair Lady clip and everything!) on Sunday night, but blogger saw fit to destroy it. Blogger giveth and blogger taketh away. So is life. This kicked off a week of apathetic non-blogging activity. I wasn't holding a grudge or anything.. But I'm back now. With a vengeance one could say.

I really do want to keep this up. I'm following so many awesome pages, with such beautiful pictures and projects, that I could get sucked in for days. Well I've got to walk before I can run. So here goes:

I went to a friend's bachelorette party.
Ran into some fancy ladies. 
(actually completely unrelated to the party, they were sitting on a bench behind a gas station)

Try not to be wildly offended by these jello molds.
It's all in good fun. 

Who else saw the season 3 premiere of TRUE BLOOD?
I've read the books up until the two most recent, but I think I'm enjoying the show a bit more than the books at this point. Which is kind of surprising cause I almost always like the book versions better. (This is why I've avoided Lovely Bones, Time Traveler's Wife, and other movie adaptations.) It always seems like they gut the books, and leave the mushy parts. Yet, TB seems to be proving me wrong. Anything that makes Sunday nights better is always a good thing in my book. 

This is where I completely out myself as a theater nerd:
Who watched the TONY AWARDS?  
makes me want to pack up, move to NYC, and joint he stage hand's union so I can be part of this nightly magic. 

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